How do scientists use new kinds of imagery to show what they know?
Images like brain scans and botanical illustrations are central to scientific practice. But today, accessible technologies can create lifelike algorithmically generated images – photo-like pictures made through the manipulation of digital data.
These new kinds of images have introduced distinctive challenges to our ability to trust the things we can see with our own eyes. Show and Tell investigates the ways that we use new kinds of imagery to show what we know, and how we go about the work of convincing others to know it themselves. Click here to learn more!
Meet us at
- October 1-31: Berkeley UC, CA, USA (Engdahl)
- November 5: SEADS (Space Ecologies Art and Design) - global network of scientists, artists, educators, engineers, Online (Lee-Morrison)
- December 10-11, SCAS, Uppsala, Sweden
- February 3-16: Paris, France (Lee-Morrison)
- February 5: Institut national d'historie de l'art, Paris, France (Lee-Morrison)
- February 7: Centre de Sociologie d'Innovation, École des Mines, Paris, France (Olofsson)

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Round up of the spring semester
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Show & Tell welcomes colleagues to a workshop in springtime Skåne
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